There are two types of courses offered here on this site. One course is for adult learners who wish to learn more about the craft of writing commercial fiction (Pen & Paper). The second set of learning materials is for secondary students who wish to explore Ideas Worth Teaching (Something to Teach). See below for more information.

There is more to writing than simply putting pen to paper. There is an element of craft. And like any artist, a writer must work at his craft. Pen & Paper has been created to help adult writers better understand the craft of writing.

The educational materials at Something to Teach are ideal for those who want something beyond the traditional.
You will find little to no eduspeak on this site. A specialized language is not necessary for good teaching and learning.
Thus, you will not find lengthy discourses on reading lexiles, summative assessments, or data disaggregation. Language either inhibits or enhances learning.
I have found that simple, easily understood language yields the greatest returns.